Tuesday 24 January 2012

Profile- David Foster

Name - David Foster
Nickname - Fosterball/Fozzy
Bike(s) - Genesis Vapour 2011
Slogan - If you think you're gonna puke, run harder until you do. Know your limits.
Hero - James Hetfield
Villain - Advocates of The Establishment

More after the jump...

Phrase most repeated by you to the team - I love these hills.
Phrase most repeated by the team at you - Slow the f*** down
Newman - It's not a race, it's a marathon
Paterson - Is that quick enough for you, Dave?
Shum - this is a nice cruising speed - 20mph
Favourite Arnie Film - The Terminator
Favourite Arnie Quote - F*** you, ass-hole.
Musical Orientation - heavy and fast
Hopes and dreams - Strumming a tune on top of Mount Everest with a crowd of 70,000
Anything else to add - 2 + 2 don't add up if you do it digitally.

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