Friday 13 January 2012

Profile- Andrew Paterson

Name - Andrew Paterson
Nickname - Andy, Pat, Paterson, Patterson, Patman
Bike(s) - GT Aggressor 2009
Slogan - Scientia et Labore or I'm here for a good time not a long time!
Heroes - Rinus Michels, Cus D'Amato, Corazon Aquino, Nelson Mandela
Villains - David Cameron, Flo Rida & T-Pain

 More after the jump...

Phrase most repeated by you to the team - Sorry I'm Late
Phrase most repeated by the team at you -
Foster -
Did I give you that money?
Newman - Close the door when your having a piss/Is that your stuff in the sink?
Shum - I'm in Germany and I'm bored / I'm bored....Teabreak?
Favourite Arnie Film - Commando
Favourite Arnie Quote - After impaling his arch-enemy with a iron pole ripped from the wall in Commando......"Let off some steam Bennett"
Hopes and dreams - It was to be a Pilot....Astronaut....Premiership Footballer but these are becoming less likely as each day passes. Therefore I'll settle to be healthy, wealthy and to be running my own business one day.
Musical Orientation - Hip-Hop & MTVBase
Anything else to add - Nada

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