Tuesday 31 January 2012

Profile- Phil Newman

Name - Phil Newman
Nickname - Newman
Bike(s) - Genesis Vapour Cyclo-cross 2011, Giant GSR FS 2004
Slogan - Talent + Application = Success
Heroes - Brian May, Tony Adams, Stephen Merchant, Daley Thompson
Villains - Clive Tyldesley and Andy Townsend for their crimes against sports commentary

More after the jump...

Phrase most repeated by you to the team - It’s raining/windy/various reasons why I haven’t biked into work
Phrase most repeated by the team at you -
Foster - Did you bike in to work today?
Paterson - Did you bike in to work today?
Shum - Did you bike in to work today? You need to bike faster/straighter/with more rhythm
Favourite Arnie Film - Total Recall
Favourite Arnie Quote - Hahaha, you think this is the real Quaid??...It is!
Musical Tastes - Old Music and New Music…just Good Music.
Hopes and dreams - Like many people I have a dream to become a billionaire. With that money I would build a solid gold ski slope with gold dust powder snow, and ski down on skis made from diamonds before breaking 32 bones in my body and realising I've completely lost my grip on reality. That's my dream. If that doesn't happen, then a slightly more realistic hope would be to be blasted into space, or somehow becoming good enough at playing guitar to collaborate musically with Brian May.
Anything else to add - If you haven’t noticed by now, I like Queen. Deal with it!

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