Tuesday 17 January 2012

Profile- Andrew Shum

Name - Andrew Shum
Nickname - Akira, Shum
Bike(s) - Specialized Allez 16 2011 and SE Draft lite 2009,
Slogan - I thought what I’d do is I’d pretend I was one of those deaf mutes
Heroes - Ayrton Senna, Muhammad Ali, Wong Kar Wai
Villains - Chairman Mao, the guys that remade the Prisoner,

 More after the jump...

Phrase most repeated by you to the team - we should be doing this as an average speed,
Phrase most repeated by the team at you -
Foster - get a move on Shum,
Newman - 80 miles in a day, yeah good one Shum.
Paterson - Shum fancy an ice cream?
Favourite Arnie Film - Terminator 2
Favourite Arnie Quote - you've been pushing too many pencils.
Musical Orientation - drumdecksrockanrolltriphophiphoprapaudiophile
Hopes and dreams - Hope to own a wonderful cottage in the countryside but also near enough London so I can still enjoy dinner at the Ivy. To finally build that bike with the Brooks saddle for the missus. To find cheaper version of that Munich Olympics poster which doesn't need me to take out a mortgage to buy it.
Anything else to add - Now whenever we run into each other at lunches or parties we find ourselves going over the evidence one more time.

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