Sunday 1 January 2012


Hello and welcome to our blog of our River Thames Charity Bike Ride!

We will go into more detail on exactly what we’re doing later, but in short we are just four guys riding the entire length of the River Thames over three days and hoping to raise money for three great charities.

We hope to raise as much money for the charities as possible and share the money equally between them. We’ll be doing the ride in May 2012, cycling approximately 60 miles a day. With your help and generosity we can achieve our goals.

This blog will cover all news, updates, photos and training diaries of our journey. We will be posting regularly prior to the big weekend, hopefully during the ride and at the finish. At the side is a link to our Virgin Money Giving page for donations, and links to our charities of choice.  There is more information about what we're doing, how we’re doing it and why we’re doing it, so please feel free to read on – and thanks for your support!

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