Monday 30 January 2012

Phil's Training Diary - 1

In the first of several updates on my training and preparations for the bike ride, I shall be letting you how I’m getting started and what the plans is.
It is a few days after Christmas that I am writing this.  I have been off the bike for a number of weeks now, since the bad weather set in and Christmas parties and present buying had taken over.  I’ve been spending the festive period with the family in Somerset, and thought it best I took my bike with me, to make the most of those in-between days of Christmas and New Year, and take advantage of some hilly bike riding.
Having purchased a new bike helmet to replace the one I’d left in Portsmouth, I’ve now been for two short rides now, and I had forgotten just how hilly it is round here, and just how difficult it is to start riding again even after a short period off the bike.  Still, needs must, and the riding shall continue, longer, quicker, better.  I’m sure at the end of it I’ll be longing for the flats of Portsmouth!
From now until the big day, there’s no stopping now, no good excuses, it’s training hard until such time I can actually relax a bit!  Putting it like that is a bit daunting, especially considering my starting point, but I think I’ll be able to make it!

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