Monday 5 March 2012

Why Cycle?

Paterson:I’ve cycled for as long as I can remember from the days where you used to sweat but you would be able to get away without smelling like a festival goer.  However my relationship with cycling gradually drifted away due to the introduction of four wheels, university, and alcohol!.

More after the jump...
A few years have passed and the decision to use my legs for something other than walking has been due to starting work and the need to have some sort of physical activty in my life now as it now quite unsurprisingly consists of working, sleeping, and eating.  I have found Portsmouth to be a city perfectly suited to a cyclist; long stretches of dedicated cycle routes, short cuts and one way streets with journey times significantly reduced, and the issue of frequently clogged up roads which make reaching your destination using your own energy just as quick as burning up fossel fuels.  In addition to the previous reasons of attempting to keep my body in a fit state, the rising cost of petrol has given me added impetus to choose saddle over the steering wheel for my journeys to work. 

Over time due to the keen ethusiasts that I frequently go on cycle rides with (and subsequently performing the Thames Charity Ride) the want and need to perform more miles and at a faster rate led me to take it slightly more seriously in order to keep up with the rest of them. 

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