Sunday 1 April 2012

Phil's Training Diary - 3

This month’s training has been going well.  It’s been a little interrupted with birthday celebrations and things, but overall been going well. 
More after the jump...

I am going to spinning classes regularly and starting to find them good fun.  I’m pleased to say my fears of it being like this scene from Peep Show were unfounded (warning, the clip contains a little swearing!).  Then again, the trainer did ask if I was finding it easier, to which I said “yes” without explaining I meant that I was no longer in pain after the session, and his reply was simply “turn the resistance up then!”  There’s no pleasing some people!
I’ve also started going to yoga classes too, to help out with stretching and flexibility issues, and this is also doing well though I’m not able to do the Lotus Position quite yet, but I think I’ll continue to go even after this charity bike ride.

Speaking of which, there is now less than six weeks to go and the time is just flying by!  I have been out on the bike a few times this month, making the most of the good weather and getting in some good saddle time.  Some of us managed to cycle out to Petersfield way and attempt some ‘above average’ hills too which was damned hard work, though I didn’t make it quite to the top of them I gave it as much as I could.  I was also able to take my bike to the New Forest a few weeks ago, and enjoy the long straight roads and get some good speed up. 

In the next few weeks we’ll be looking to get a two-day test ride in and see what effects it will have on us to be in the saddle for long periods of time, which will be nice.  This will probably be the last training diary entry for the blog, but I expect to update the blog a few days before we start.
We are really looking forward to this ride now, and your support and encouragement is making things much easier for us, so thank you.

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