Monday 27 February 2012

What's in a name? (pt2)

Now I can't make you do it, you gotta look at the guy next to you, look into his eyes. Now I think you are going to see a guy who will go that inch with you, you are going to see a guy who will sacrifice himself for this team because he knows when it comes down to it, you are gonna do the same thing for him.
That's a team, gentlemen and either we heal now, as a team, or we will die as individuals.
That's football guys.
That's all it is.
Now, whattaya gonna do?

-Any Given Sunday

More after the jump...

To follow on from the last article part 1 we didn't quite have Al Pacino shouting in our ears but after much deliberation we did settle on a name which we plucked out of the air, something we agreed on, with the exception of Paterson  (who wasn't there at the time but was too busy getting his knee fixed). The name itself was something simple, it was something that someone shouted out randomly (it was either me or Fosterball). Phil liked it for the 'Fabulous Baker Boys' vibe and the link to cycling. I liked it simply because I knew it would look good on the shirt and I hadn't heard it before. The irony of the name is that it kind of describes the opposite of the way Dave and I ride, for neither of us 'brake' in case the guy behind rides into us or we lose the guy in front.

This moved into designing the shirt, we went through so many design and colour revisions, but only really came to a decision when we got some samples through the door to inspect and try out. 

Here are a few of the design iterations we went through.

This one was very popular at the beginning, we looked at colours of the countryside with the blue of river water.
This one was we felt was simply too blue, note the team name, which were going to go on every shirt. The colour scheme wasn't working for this.

This one was a folly, as soon as Phil saw this he thought of Blackburn and wanted to throw up, suffice to say there are no Blackburn supporters in our team. However, the blue and white did 'pop' for us.


We ended up trying to keep it as simple as possible and after looking at the samples we get a better grip on what would look good as a shirt.We needed a third colour to set it off.
This is Fosterball modelling fruits of our labour, the team shirt! We will have some more pics on the blog once I have cornered everyone for a modelling session.

I would like to thank Owayo for not only giving us great customer service, samples and feedback. But also producing such a stellar piece of kit. We will be wearing this on our future rides as much as possible.

If you spot one of us on the road, give us a wave and a thumbs up.

The Braker Boys are a very nice bunch.

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