Thursday 23 February 2012

Phil's Training Diary - 2

So far, training has been intermittent, thanks to eye surgery leaving me unable to exercise for two weeks.  (It was a vision enhancement on one eye, and during the healing process it is advised not to exercise).
Biking to work the first week back seemed quite easy following the hills of Somerset, so I guess hill biking has its benefits and isn’t just a means of self-flagellation!

more after the jump...

Today was a medium distance ride, and it was nice to get some saddle time, albeit on the flats of Portsmouth.  The time and pace were OK, but after two weeks out of the saddle, fitness levels do tend to drop, so there is definite work to be done here.
Tomorrow will be a trip to the chiropractor to iron out bad posture from desk-work and inactivity, followed by another bike ride on Sunday.  Next week I hope to be going to my first Hatha Yoga session – unfortunately I am as inflexible as a brick and that needs to change.  The following weekend my first spinning class at the gym – wish me luck with that!  The class starts at 8:30am on Saturday too, so that’s a double whammy!

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