Tuesday 8 May 2012

Living on Stanhope Road

Fosterball: After months of constant yet gentle reminding by my fellow charity cyclist chums, I’ve decided to tap a few hundred words via keyboard about my principle motivation(s) of doing this. I was coaxed into getting a bike by my good friend, Phil Newman, several months after his idea of doing a bike ride for charity was born into this world.

More after the jump

Eventually, and through a total lack of desire to be individual, I bought the same bike as he did, a Genesis Vapour 2011, albeit with a 60” frame to account for my taller stature/ganglier legs. My training for this ride started in June last year and basically consists of my thrice-a-week trip into and from work, with intermittent, longer journeys at the weekend that have taken in some resplendent scenery and hilariously steep hills to test my cycling mettle. This was all going along with the truly inspiring backdrop of impending fatherhood, and my little baby daughter finally decided to grace us with her presence at the end of the penultimate week in January 2012.

I’ve been known to be rather florid in my writing, so let’s say she was born in the afternoon of 24th January. Being a Father certainly has its challenges; more mental than physical. I realised just how lucky I was when I witnessed my daughter’s first smile and all the apparent hardship, worry and strife was washed away in an instant. It really put into perspective the magnitude of my new status in life. Suffice it to say my wonderful partner, Tina, has been a rock of strength and organised determination in raising our child together and my daughter could not have been blessed with a lovelier Mother. I could not have been blessed with a lovelier woman.

Only less than two and a half days until our journey begins and while the clichés are easy to pull out the literal cupboard to be thrown into the conversational mix, it really has come around fast.

I am looking forward to this challenge together with my friends and in doing so raising a good chunk of money for three worthwhile causes. It really brings a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

Peace out Dave...

1 comment:

  1. I used "principle" instead of "principal" and also used "literal" instead of "literary".... Shame on me! Seriously, I would've been hanged back in the good ole days.
